
You can choose two different plan:

  1. Package, Safe price, you have all endpoints available except the pest models endpoint.
  2. Pay-as-you-go, Pay for only the endpoint and hectares you need.


Package Hectares Yealy cost Monhtly Cost Cost/Hectares Yearly Without
Minimum Start Tier 2000 5000 417 2.5 Pest Models
Business tier 5000 6500 542 1.33 Pest Models
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VAT excluded


Endpoint Cost/Hectares Yearly
Soil Organic Carbon Map 1.5
AI boundaries 0.2
Satellite Images 0.5
Soil Moisture 0.8
Evapotraspiration 0.8
Forecast Vineyard 0.8
Zone Management 0.6
Prescription Map 1.0

VAT excluded

Endpoint Annual cost
Phytopharmaceuticals 50
Wheater 50
DigitalAgronomyConsultant 100
Pest Models 3000
Soil data 1000
Nutrient Balance 3000

VAT excluded

Easy - Fast - Customizable

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